vote fraud

Many broke the law by dropping off multiple ballots in 2021 election, but no one will be prosecuted, Lehigh DA says

Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin said Monday his office will not prosecute anyone identified as having deposited more than one mail-in ballot into drop boxes around the county during the 2021 election.

Ken Blackwell: Stranger Danger — Protect Vulnerable Voters from Fraud

“Stranger Danger.” This phrase is used by parents to warn their children about predators. In this election year, it is also an appropriate warning for vulnerable citizens who could be targeted by activists who will try to suppress or steal their votes.

Ken Blackwell Discusses the Importance of Election Integrity on the Dan O’Donnell Show

ACRU’s Ken Blackwell appears on the Dan O’Donnell show to discuss the state of election reform in Wisconsin and its critical role in the preservation of democratic principles. “The foundation of the American system of self-governance is liberty and the core expression of a peoples' liberty is the ability to vote in free and fair elections. Safeguarding the integrity of our elections is paramount to preserving our republic."

Trenae Myesha Rainey, Others Charged with Voter Fraud

All accused of election-related misconduct in counties surrounding the Detroit metropolitan area, the three women facing felony charges are Trenae Myesha Rainey, 28; Carless Clark, 59; and Nancy Juanita Williams, 55. Prosecutors claim that Rainey worked at the Father Murray Nursing Home in Macomb County and forged the signatures of residents on absentee voting applications.

By |2022-04-08T22:02:16-04:00March 10, 2022|Voting Fraud News|

AG Paxton: Woman accused of voter fraud in San Antonio arrested, charged

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said Wednesday a woman accused of voter fraud and depicted in online videos in San Antonio has been arrested. Paxton said Raquel Rodriguez is charged with election fraud, illegal voting, unlawfully assisting people voting by mail and unlawfully possessing an official ballot. If Rodriguez is convicted, she could face up to 20 years in prison, Paxton said.

By |2022-04-08T22:05:04-04:00March 10, 2022|Voting Fraud News|

North Texas Mayoral Candidate Arrested for Dozens of Mail-Ballot Voter Fraud Felonies

Authorities arrested a North Texas candidate on dozens of felony voter fraud charges after catching him red-handed with a box of mail-in ballots belonging to local voters. Carrollton mayoral candidate Zul Mirza Mohamed was charged Wednesday with 109 felonies for fraudulently requesting and obtaining mail-in ballots he alleged were for nursing home residents.

By |2022-04-08T22:02:57-04:00March 10, 2022|Voting Fraud News|

Disability Service Coordinator Blows Whistle on Vote Fraud in Group Homes

Susan couldn't believe what she was hearing. Client after client, developmentally disabled person after developmentally disabled person all told the same story: Their vote was stolen from them. Susan, a disability service coordinator who works with developmentally disabled adults who live in various assisted living facilities and group homes in and around Milwaukee, says every one of her more than 20 clients told her that they were either pressured to vote for Democratic candidate Joe Biden or had a vote cast for Biden before they ever had a chance to see their ballot.

By |2022-04-08T22:03:56-04:00March 10, 2022|Voting Fraud News|

US Election Fraud Is Real—and Its Impact Is Being Ignored

Cabrera, who was paid by more than a half-dozen candidates for judicial office, had several absentee ballots in her possession at the time of her arrest and kept a notebook with over 500 names and addresses of voters who she targeted. These mostly elderly Hispanics in Hialeah were labeled as “Deisy’s Voters” and included information about whether the voter was illiterate, blind, deaf, or had Alzheimer’s.

By |2022-04-08T22:04:17-04:00March 10, 2022|Voting Fraud News|
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