vulnerable voting

Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire: 100,000 Stolen Votes in Chicago

In its reporting, the Chicago Tribune discovered that the supposed home address of three voters in the 17th Precinct of the 27th Ward was a vacant lot. The paper also discovered that votes had been cast for seven residents of a nursing home who denied having voted-their signatures on the ballot applications were all forgeries. In fact, one resident had no fingers or thumbs with which to write a signature. The fraud was so blatant that the resident without fingers or thumbs "was counted as having voted twice by the end of the day." Not surprisingly, Stevenson easily won the 17th Precinct, by a margin of 282 to 30.

By |2022-04-08T22:21:59-04:00March 10, 2022|Uncategorized, Voting Fraud News|

This Man Figured Out the Fraud Inside Dallas’ Council Elections

It starts with a knock. Someone in your family opens the door, because you’re old, most likely over 80, certainly poor, possibly infirm, probably a minority. You see a familiar face. She is a community organizer, young, passionate. She has come by often, campaigning for Obama or Wendy Davis. Today she comes bearing a fruit basket, because she wants to help. She’s also kind enough to carry in your mail.

By |2022-04-08T22:22:21-04:00March 10, 2022|Uncategorized, Voting Fraud News|

Patriots for Delaware says it found proof of election fraud | Milford LIVE! – Local Delaware News, Kent and Sussex Counties

Patriots for Delaware on Tuesday said they had evidence of dead people voting in the November 2020 election as well as nursing homes submitting more ballots than they had available beds. The group doesn’t believe the fraud they claim to have found would have changed the outcome of the presidential election but said that local races could have been affected.

By |2022-04-08T22:33:18-04:00March 9, 2021|Uncategorized, Voting Fraud News|

ACRU Actions’s Blackwell: State legislators must defend citizens’ votes

Election protocols and vote integrity are the Constitutional purview of state legislators. As ACRU Action's Amb. Ken Blackwell notes, they must keep our votes secure, especially after liberal judges stole legislative power by green-lighting liberal anti-vote security lawsuits before the election.

ACRU Action Board Member Ken Blackwell: Legislators, not jurists, are responsible for vote integrity

“In Pennsylvania, there was a clear violation of Article II of Constitution that gives authority to state legislatures to set the calendar and electoral rules for the state’s voters - not the state judiciary, not the Governor, and not the Secretary of State. In other states, liberal lawsuits waved through by liberal judges usurped the power of the people by dismantling vote security measures passed by their state legislators. This must be corrected, and state legislative bodies must reclaim their authority to protect voters against fraud, political criminals and activist judges that overreach. A recent article from The Federalist, noted below, provides a few simple steps legislators can take to ensure the integrity of the election process.”

ACRU Action’s Ken Blackwell condemns the trail of fraud in the Keystone State

From his experience as the former mayor of Cincinnati and a high ranking Ohio state official, ACRU Action Board Member Amb. Ken Blackwell takes on the corruption and bad intent of PA Governor Tom Wolf and his agenda to nullify votes of the good people of Pennsylvania.

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